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Rischbieter Meyer Schreiber concentrates on legal areas in which the partners have years of legal experience and in-depth consulting qualities.

Labor law/Employment law
Employee protection/Health and safety at work legislation
Retirement benefits & pension plans
Corporate law
Commercial law, business contract law
International transactions
Industrial project and supply contracts
Technical law – product liability, product safety

Medical law and long-term care law
Mergers & acquisitions
Private equity & venture capital
Litigation and arbitration/Mediation and ADR
Transport law and freight forwarding law

Labor law/Employment contract law

We advise our clients on all areas of labor law:

  • Individual employment law (actions against unfair dismissal, employment contracts, amendment, secondment and termination agreements, employment references)
  • Collective labor law (strategy, structuring, negotiation/implementation of collective bargaining law, company agreements, right of co-determination, industrial constitutional law, redundancy program, reconciliation of interests)
  • Restructuring and transactions (transfers of businesses, relocation of businesses in Germany and abroad, closures, purchases and sales of companies)
  • Public employment law
  • Occupational pension plans
  • Flexibilization of working hours and remuneration
  • Managing directors and board members (creation, adaption and termination of employment contracts)

Throughout Germany we represent clients before all labor courts and arbitration boards and in out-of-court proceedings and negotiations.


Employee protection/Health and safety at work legislation

We develop and formulate sector-specific concepts for the protection of employees in companies and support their implementation.

With tailor-made agreements and guidelines, we reduce the liability risks associated with appointments, ranging from authorized representatives under the German Occupational Health and Safety Act, qualified persons under German industrial safety regulations, occupational safety specialists and works doctors to safety officers. In addition, we offer training in industrial safety law and for building site coordinators.


Corporate law

We offer comprehensive advice to founders, shareholders, investors, managing directors and management, supervisory and advisory board members, starting with selection of the suitable legal form, financing of the company and organization of the legal relationships between the parties involved. We assist clients with the formation of partnerships and corporations, changes of shareholders, capital measures, restructuring, measures under the German Transformation of Companies Act (UmwG) and organization of the hand-over to the next generation in the case of family-owned companies. Matters concerning group law between affiliated companies are just as much a part of our work as the implementation of share plans for employees or the management. We have years of experience in the structuring of national and cross-border joint ventures.


Commercial law, business contract law

Legislation on merchants, commercial transactions and partnerships under commercial law as well as other business contract law is an essential part of our work as corporate attorneys. It also includes:

  • Distribution rights, the law on commercial agents
  • Transport and logistics
  • Issues relating to national and international trade and the sale of goods
  • Drafting and review of standard terms and conditions of business
  • Drafting of commercial tenancy agreements

We offer comprehensive advice and solutions for all legal matters pertaining to companies; if necessary, we can draw on our network of specialized attorneys, tax consultants and auditors.


International transactions

For our foreign clients, we also undertake, if requested, the project-based coordination of auditors and tax consultants for their business ventures under German law in addition to rendering legal advice. In the case of cross-border projects of German firms, on request we handle project management and, if necessary, coordinate the deployment of foreign attorneys.

Here, too, we can rely on our tried and trusted network of German and foreign attorneys, tax consultants, auditors and experts.


Industrial project and supply contracts

We have extensive experience in drafting international trade agreements and their implementation. In particular, we offer advice on:

  • Supply and cooperation agreements for industrial installations
  • Project agreements in the mechanical and plant engineering sector
  • Maintenance and operator agreements for industrial installations
  • Research and development agreements.

Technical law – product liability, product safety

Manufacturers and operators of plants and machinery as well as other technical products have to comply with a multitude of legal requirements and standards. We offer comprehensive advice on all issues relating to product and CE conformity, product liability and product recalls and on the drafting of contracts and legally secure documentation. We also pass on our years of experience in the EU Machinery Directive, CE marking and product safety in talks and in-house training.


Mergers & acquisitions

We support sellers or buyers of companies or participations during all phases of the transaction. In consultation with our clients, we work out a structure for the transaction and support the process through to integration of the target (post-merger integration). We organize company valuations (due diligence), look after the accompanying documents and/or agreements and draw up and negotiate the relevant acquisition agreements, in both German and English.

Private equity & venture capital

The practice of financing companies through equity capital has long since spread to medium-sized enterprises and financing young businesses through risk capital is a standard tool. We advise investors, shareholders or management on structuring, prepare and negotiate the documentation and support the handling of such a transaction.


Litigation and arbitration/Mediation and ADR

Ultimately we do not want to land up in court. However, not all disputes can be settled by means of an amicable solution or measures must be initiated immediately to safeguard rights. We develop a litigation strategy with our clients and represent the rights of our German and foreign clients before courts of law or arbitral courts. As corporate attorneys, we have in-depth experience in disputes under labor law and disputes with a commercial or business law background, especially those relating to corporate litigation.

We represent clients throughout Germany before all courts and have wide-ranging experience in arbitration.

Alternatively, we support our clients in mediation proceedings for the resolution of conflicts and develop strategies for settling a dispute out of court (Alternative Dispute Resolution).


Transport law

We provide comprehensive support to German and foreign transport companies, logistics providers, insurers, forwarding agents and carriers on all issues concerning transport and freight forwarding law and all other sector-specific legal questions. Our long-standing clients therefore trust us equally on matters pertaining to customs and warehousing law and insurance law and with regard to administrative offence and fine proceedings and other regulatory matters.

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