19. March 2024  I  German  I  Data protection  I  Legal notice

Rischbieter Meyer Schreiber advises clients in Germany and abroad on business law.

The main focus of our activities is commercial and corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, labor law, occupational safety legislation, industrial project and supply contracts,  international contract law, as well as product safety and product liability law. Our clients can draw on in-depth knowledge of different trade, commerce and industrial sectors, especially in automotive and mechanical and plant engineering.

The partners Gerhard Rischbieter, Burkhard Meyer and Stephan Schreiber have years of experience as commercial attorneys. Complementary specializations combined with an understanding of the economic context form the basis of our new Bremen-based corporate law firm.

We advise our clients on all aspects of business law. Where necessary, we consult our tried and tested network of domestic and foreign attorneys, auditors, tax consultants and technical experts.

We are cooperative, but not afraid to speak our minds. We are known for our staying power, even when dealing with complex issues and are highly motivated – as our long-standing clients will happily confirm.

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