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We have numerous publications to our names in our specialist fields and are regularly involved in conducting seminars and talks and staff training.

Gerhard Rischbieter – publications and seminars:

1998 Rechte und Pflichten des Aufsichtsrates (Rights and obligations of the supervisory board) (co-author), in: AG-Handbuch (Praxis und Haftung von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat), Verlag Dashöfer-GmbH, Hamburg 1998
2003 Gesellschaftsrechtliche Gestaltungen: Joint Ventures (Structures under corporate law: Joint Ventures), in: Handbuch des Online-Handels, Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 2003
2004 How to Improve the Enforcement of Participation Agreements, in: Venture Capital Magazine, Special Edition: European Venture Market, Mai 2004
2004 Die befristete Eigenkapitalbeteiligung für die Geschäftsführung auf dem Prüfstand (A look at limited equity capital participation for corporate management), in: FINANCE, December 2004
2009 Co-editor of Gründung und Leben der GmbH nach dem MoMiG (Foundation and Life of the GmbH in accordance with the Reform on Private Limited Companies (MoMiG)) und Autor des Kapitels Geschäftsanteil und Gesellschafterwechsel, Gesellschafterliste und Gutgläubiger Erwerb (Share and Change of Shareholders, Shareholder List and Acquisition in Good Faith), Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich, March 2009
since 2003  Lecturer for seminars on the subject of Legal Due Diligence at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH.

Burkhard Meyer – publications, seminars and teaching assignments

since 2005 

specialist adviser to the TÜV NORD Akademie, regular training/seminars on the following subjects:

- Machinery Directive
- CE marking
- Training as CE coordinator
- Product Safety Law
- Product liability
- Contract and claims management in the mechanical and plant engineering/automotive sectors.


Stephan Schreiber – publications, seminars and teaching assignments:

since 2011  Teaching assignment for "occupational safety law and technical law",
Dresden International University
 2012 Strategisches Personalmanagement durch betriebliche Umstrukturierungen und die Einführung neuer Bewertungs- und Vergütungssysteme in der betrieblichen Praxis (Strategic Personnel Management by means of Operational Restructuring and the Introduction of New Assessment and Remuneration Systems in Operational Practice), Deggendorf 2012

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